Prophetic dream with Obama, Bush and floods?

September 9th 2012, around 7am JST
A few hours before getting up, I had the following dream:

Scene 1:
We are at a political camp, during probably Obama's 2012 current presidential campaign.
Supporters are sitting on the floor, by and around Obama like if we were camping.
He seems to want to share his experiences, maybe in the values of Service To Others (though it is not clear);
One thing is clear: he shares water, valuing it, asking who wants some more;
I am about to ask him about the illuminati, and the nsa, the website when G. W. Bush in "his" bus comes by and opens some water gates (attached to the bus) or giant hoses and provokes a flood;
Panic spreads all over, people is escaping all over the place, exiting towards a pier.

Interpretation: Obama is going to disclose about the illuminati during the campaign, but the Bushes (i.e. the Illuminati) will try to prevent him from doing so by taking the american people in hostage, with such terrorist acts as artificially provoked tsunamis, or weather-controlled quaked.
(Note for the reader: I must mention here that I am not particularly positively inclined to Obama, nor negatively; I am not consciously expecting anything from him; that for me, makes this dream interesting)

Scene 2:
We are in the bus of G W Bush, kind of prisoners;
People are killed or neutralized by being hit by what appear to be some small very hot pizza-like cheese pancakes.