Entries from 2012-01-01 to 1 year

A Scientific Blueprint for Ascension

I discovered 2 days ago this blog post of David Wilcock on Ascension, dating back to September 9th, 2001 with numerous updates from 2008; The revelations could be stunning for some, shocking for others, or just in the current of affairs de…

Prophetic dream with Obama, Bush and floods?

September 9th 2012, around 7am JST A few hours before getting up, I had the following dream:Scene 1: We are at a political camp, during probably Obama's 2012 current presidential campaign. Supporters are sitting on the floor, by and around…

Incarnation, Harvest, 4D and helping others ascend

This is an extract of the free e-book from David Wilcock The Shift of the Ages and it is major stuff. CHAPTER 15: CAYCE AND RA SPEAK ON THE GREAT SOLAR CYCLE | Divine CosmosHe re-formulates for us in 3D language passages from The Law of On…

Meditation to prepare for the choice between 3D and 4D

This is an extract from web page of the website "spiritofmaat.com"; These are closing remarks by Ra, lessons for the 3D being to meditate on, so that he is wiser when it will be time to make the choice between 3D and 4D The Universe Accord…

Ascension and Reincarnation

This is an extract from web page of the website "spiritofmaat.com"; Ra describes some relationships between Ascension and Reincarnation The Universe According to Ra with David Wilcock and L/L Research According to Ra, our planet is coming …

UFO 最後の真実

このビデオはquasimoto.exblog.jpのポストで拾ったものです。 「エイリアンは地獄から来る」:最近のUFO&エイリアン情報の集大成版発見!? : Kazumoto Iguchi's blog これは1995年放送のテレビ番組である。4年かけて調査したとあってかなり良い線をい…

Space/Time and Time/Space

This is an extract from web page of the website "spiritofmaat.com"; Ra describes the main differences between Space/Time and Time/Space The Universe According to Ra with David Wilcock and L/L Research Ra makes an interesting differentiatio…

Qualities of 4th dimension

This is an extract from web page of the webpage "spiritofmaat.com"; Ra describes the main features of The fourth dimension. Amazing, but no big deal:)"Fourth Density — Perceiving others as part of the Self. Here is a plane of compassion, w…

Harvest as a 3-way split

David Wilcock transcribed this radio conversation between Dr. Scott Mandelker and Jeff Rense, dating back to 2000:Dr. Scott Mandelker with Jeff Rense, Discussing Law of One | Divine Cosmos I learned that in the view of Mandelker, there wil…

Ascension and Harvest in 2012 : a sudden energy quantum leap from 3D to 4D [David Wilcock view based on the Law of One]

Just discovered this link googling "Ascension, Harvest, 2012", and I got this divinecosmos.con page dating back to 2006 by D. Wilcock, explaining that the Harvest in 2012 that will happen, of people going from 3D to 4D is simply a quantum …

Neil Armstrong’s UFO Secret

This is a repost from Dr Steven Greer blog: Link: http://drgreersblog.disclosureproject.org/?p=202Highlights that I deem important because they give details/information that main stream media don't , and answer some huge interrogations tha…

Red Pill: the hard Truth of the Reptilian takeover of Earth

You can make the choice to continue your usual and "comfortable" life; Or you can decide to know the Truth about the enslavement of Humans by other Extra-terrestrials the reptilians, right now, by reading this article by Tolec of the Andro…

Spiritual evolution, DNA activation and Earth Grid

http://dnaperfection.com/what-blocks-natural-12-strand-dna-activation/ This article from Toby Alexander explains clearly that DNA activation is key to your spiritual growth and that DNA activation cannot happen without the energetic influx…

Curing a tumor by reflection on the fields in less than 3 mins [awesome video]

This is video where Gregg Braden demonstrates the power of feelings as technology, by reflection on the fields. 3 (chinese) trained practitioners create the feelings within themselves as if the patient (she) is already healed. Not that she…

Japanese device turns plastic bag back into oil

This is a repost from Rumor Mill News http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=249838A japanese technologist has invented (apparently) a small portable device that allows to convert plastic back into oil using only tap water, el…


ベンジャミン・フルフォードの国内外金融ウラ事情レポート(≪2012/08/13号 VOl.186≫)のリポストです。 - ◆ 今年の秋は、間違いなく世界権力構造の激変期となる ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ≪2012/08/13号 VOl.186≫ 先週、民主・自民・公明が「近いう…


ベンジャミン・フルフォードの国内外金融ウラ事情レポート(≪2012/07/23号 VOl.184≫)のリポストです。 - 日々のニュースばかりを細かく見ていると、長いトレンドを見失うことがある。 現在のように 時々刻々と世界で事件や出来事が起きている時には、まさに…

Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis20120717:It is time to look at the big picture again

This is repost from Benjamin Fulford's weekly geopolitical news and analysis 20120717When historical events are taking place, the daily rush of news event can fog the vision. We have entered such a time of fog now, so it is a good time to …


ベンジャミン・フルフォードの国内外金融ウラ事情レポート(≪2012/07/16号 VOl.183≫)のリポストです。 - 現在、世界の水面下で行われている欧米銀行団に対する裁判準備やアジアと 欧米の交渉について説明する時、なぜ中国やインドネシア、フィリピンなどの …

The 13 Zoroastrian illuminati ruling families of the planet

There are 13 illuminati Zoroastrian bloodlines that control the Jesuit, who control the Vatican and World; The list is:House of Borja House of Breakspeare House of Somaglia House of Orsini House of Conti House of Chigi House of Colonna Hou…

Layers of Conspiracy

Earth has been hijacked for 26,000 years and Light is prevailing; Dark energy, with their Archons have been toying with Humanity to its bad interest. They have kept re-incarnating into physical human bodies, through several factions, along…


首相官邸前に集まってきた国民は結構前代未聞の規模のようです。 もし純の気持ちでやっているのなら、これはようやく目覚めてきたと思えないのでしょうか?


ベンジャミン・フルフォードの国内外金融ウラ事情レポート(≪2012/07/09号 VOl.182≫)のリポストです。 - 最近、永田町の首相官邸前で大規模な反原発デモが展開されているが、これに 参加する市民、ひいては我々日本国民全体が事の本質を理解していなければ…

Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis20120709: Japanese power broker Ichiro Ozawa ordered my murder

This is repost from Benjamin Fulford's weekly geopolitical news and analysis 20120709: - The order to stab this writer with a poisoned needle was given by Japanese power broker Ichiro Ozawa and his North Korean faction, according to North …

Transcription of Interview With Cobra and Alexandra Meadors July 3, 2012

This interview with Cobra and Alexandra Meadors gives new very important insights that help construct a picture of what has been going on, on Earth. The more it is spread across the web, the better so I repost it below by copy/pasting it: …

Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis20120703: Has revolt started in America? Also, why the Moonies and Nazis tried to kill this writer last week

This is a repost of the Weekly Geopolitical Analysis of 20120703. - Has revolt started in America? Also, why the Moonies and Nazis tried to kill this writer last week Benjamin Fulford, July 3, 2012 The long expected hot summer of disconten…


ベンジャミン・フルフォードの国内外金融ウラ事情レポート(≪2012/07/02号 VOl.181≫)のリポストです。 - 戦後における日本の政界上層部、また日本の用心棒を管理していた“似非 「右翼」”の多くが、外国勢からの賄賂を受け取って活動してきた売国奴、 もしく…

Cabal's biological defense mechanism

We have at our disposal, thanks to the positive ETs, a means to neutralize the Cabal's central nervous system (neutro transmitters) by deploying Startdust 2, which will prevent them from doing any wrongdoing at the desired time. But accord…

Mass Arrest: do you really think that nothing is happening?

Drake promised #MassArrest by July 4th, US time. He aired on June 27th that the Arrest were imminent and issued at that time yellow light, then soon after green light. But hey, the cabal-controlled media is not going to report it anyway. A…

Mass Arrest: David Wilcock gets out of his silence and advises us on the "Green Light"

David Wilcock just released a last post, and to explain it from the conclusion, he does not think there will be mass arrest over night without first having a big public exposure of the financial scam into which the banks put us, all along.…