Entries from 2012-05-01 to 1 month

Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis20120528: Insiders predict a 5-day bank holiday in Europe before Euro ends, Renminbi may replace US dollar in September

This is a repost from benjamin fulford weekly political analysis of 20120528. 2 important highlights: the BRICS are offering to buy all US dollars cash, and replace them by a new currency backed by a basket of commodities. Before that move…

Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis20120521: Time for China to stop supporting fascist US regime

This is a repost from benjamin fulforld weekly geopolitical analysis of 20120521; Gives some ideas on what could have really happened behind the scenes at the last NATO summit; - We would like to start this week’s report with a special mes…


ベンジャミン・フルフォードの国内外金融ウラ事情レポート(2012/5/28号 VOl.176)のリポストです。 日本国家に背く最上級の売国奴・殺人犯罪者、中曽根康弘と小泉純一郎が未だに逮捕されていない。小泉は「こはん」という新橋の芸者を絞殺した。中曽根は不…

No more secret! Top Secret Extraterrestrial Welcoming Committee

Sioux Chief "Golden Light Eagle" is on a top secret ETs committee and refuses secrets, purely and simply. No more secret; No more deception; no more duality;repost from ascensionwithearth - -

Current Archons Situation Update

The reboot of the Grid on the 5/20-21 was very successful; But there's still a part of the grid that is under control of the archons; the physical counterpart of that part of the grid corresponds to the Jesuit society; An archonic grid ins…


このポストは2012portalのものですが、5.20が人類にとって重大なので再ポストすることにしました。 魂はホログラフィックなので、我々の感情や考えは世界に大きな影響を及ぼしています。このパワーは元々あったのですが、昔になくされ忘れてしまったのです。…

Reboot of the Grid

I repost this light from 2012portal, since I feel 5/20 is significant for Humanity; The mind is holographic and our emotions influence the outcome of the world; This is a call upon a collective meditation so that we can reboot the Grid, i.…


デキゴトが起きる3日前に、前もってTolecは5月20日に大きなデキゴトが起きると私たちに知らせてくれました。 これはandromedan councilや americankabukiとkauilapele's blogのそれぞれのウェブサイトで確認できます。 今年4月、Tolecは既にこのデキゴ…

Major cosmic event to happen on 5/20

Tolec has informed us that a cosmic event will happen on the 20th of May, 3 days prior to it. You can check that info on the site of the andromedan council, americankabuki and kauilapele'sblog. Tolec was already talking about that event in…