Mass Indoctrination Concentration Camp (MICC)

Get rid "school" of your vocabulary. Especially the public ones.
John D Rockefeller lifted the veil on school in his speech at the board of general education in 1906.
Schools, modeled on the prussian method from the 19th century have nothing to do with education.
They function as MICC. If you recognize your own experience in the descriptions below, you cannot be but convinced.

They are compulsory, with military discipline, in preparation of working for companies and obedience to the state.
They can make you wear uniforms and grade you by the level of your class.
The public ones are free, in exchange of your freedom, privacy and conscience.
They impose a long journey (18 years) on your life and put themselves omnipresent on your calendar.
Time to reflect and self-construction is absent.
Classrooms gather people of the same age in the same room, with the same cloths, religions, social class.
Hierarchy is marked with constant ranking and evaluations.
What is being taught looks like a ideological torrent to which questioning is punished.
Customization to each individual is inexistent and differentiation is bashed.
The professor is a shepherd in front of dozens of ships.
Fresh graduates are sent to job fairs, markets where their features are auctioned by farmers.
Mind control applies with torture, stress and obligation. Fear, violence. Repetition of the same contents whose forcing provokes the dissociation of the mind. These methods are not without reminding us of MK ultra programs.
Input/output is merely expected from the pupils to prepare for the enslavement to workforce.
Instructionism instead of constructivism incapacitates youth so that they cannot learn nor feel.
Your private life is publicized, and other kapos are here to denounce you whenever you derail.
Lies are being hailed as the only truth by satanists that want to hide the truths about humanity and the mind.
Your forget yourself, blinded and deceived by a totalitarian apparatus.
The nature of money and mind literacy are never talked about.
They are camps where they can provide you with installations such as dormitory and foodcourt.
They promotes sport and inter-schools rivalry to divide and conquer.
They can introduce you secret societies like Phi Beta Kappa or Skull and Bones.