Gold and its place within the new system post-cabal, according to Cobra

Corey from the interviews Cobra, on the role of Gold in human history, and coming, and why it was valued so much;


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the financial system is imported from orion constellation, vast civilization of dark forces; they have designed a system of control; they brought it to earth, in babylone first
then expanded;

gold has a central role; very interesting occult properties occult; it is not just a metal;
it is used as a tool, either for control or for enlightenment, by occult practices
All gold that is circulated inside the financial system has been occultly treated; This gold is not neutral

The resistance movement has energetically colluded that gold, start of 2012;
and confiscated that gold from the cabal; the latter actually stole that gold mostly the last 200 years .

There are energetic and spiritual reasons why people have given so much value to Gold
Roots go back to biblical times and beyond that, to ancient sumeria and babylone;
gold was introduced to control human population;

resistance movement has technology to neutralize gold energetically;
during the middle ages, inquisition and roman catholic church, gold was used to control the population;
gold is needed to be cleared before being introduced into the new financial system.

when the new financial system is re-introduced, the gold will be stored along with other commodities;
will not be on open market; will be used to build a new system where the population grows spiritually up to point where it can live without money, which will be quite soon because once the cabal surrenders, there is disclosure and first contact with the ETs which will accelerate growth dramatically;

gold as a unit of exchange will be obsolete very rapidly because we will be able to manifest/materialize anything at will.
we ll go beyond the need of being fixated on any kind of material object.