Red Pill: the hard Truth of the Reptilian takeover of Earth

You can make the choice to continue your usual and "comfortable" life;
Or you can decide to know the Truth about the enslavement of Humans by other Extra-terrestrials the reptilians, right now, by reading this article by Tolec of the Andromedan Council.
Link: The Hard Reality & A Difficult Truth


"Whereby certain leaders at the highest levels of all of these areas of our global society, of all of these institutions – people who look or appear to be human, are not.  Again, they are in fact – Reptilian"

"Now, please understand, in their natural state, these Reptilians are lower vibrational, 4th dimensional beings."

"a 4th dimensional Reptilian using its 4D, 4th dimensional, natural abilities, manifesting/creating a 3D physical Reptilian body... and projecting a human holographic image."