Entries from 2012-01-01 to 1 year

The banks are preparing their liquidation under the Dodd-Frank act

Is that a first heard? yes! Subsequent to the last $1b trading loss of JP Morgan, and the notification by the CEO that he would let it fall without a cost to the taxpayers, the GS, the CB, the MS, and other majors have been required to pro…

Mass Arrest: Green Light

It is 8:33PM June 29th 2012, Tokyo Japan time. The Green Light for the Mass Arrest has been given by Drake, yesterday on the 28th US time.Listen to last Drake show: Green Light public announcementI wanted to take the time to try to confirm…

高濃縮ウラン - オバマが実行命令で国家の非常事態を宣言 

http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2012/06/25/executive-order-russian-highly-enriched-uraniumこれって何もか? 今まで何の問題もなく、よく適用されていたHEU同意(米・ロシア間の高濃縮ウラン同意)があったのに、突然、オバマが非常に訳の分…

Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis20120625: It has become impossible for the cabal to hide the truth; they are being defeated

This is a repost from benjamin fulford weekly political analysis of 20120625:The highlights:Last week Rio summit was a failure for the Cabal because the middle income countries, instead of handing over their $513b to the cabal, handed them…

欧米の内部対立と「金融危機」〜 BISか人工頭脳か?

ベンジャミン・フルフォードの国内外金融ウラ事情レポート(≪2012/6/25号 VOl.180≫)のリポストです。ハイライトです。米国内で米国議会がオバマを大統領の座から引き摺り下ろそうと本格的に法的手段へと乗り出している。 オバマが任命した司法長官:エリッ…

Meditation every sunday: world liberation movement

This is a repost from Disudese: DISUDESE: Meditation on every Sunday (reposted from Cobra) The mind is holographic, and as Gandhi taught us: "Be the change that you want to see in the world"; The mind is originally able to effectively prog…

Transcript of The Light Agenda - Interview of Cobra (2012Portal) by Stephen Cook

Steven Beckow of the 2012scenario has posted the transcripts of the interview of Cobra by Stephen Cook (6/13) of which I extracted the highlights some days ago: http://d.hatena.ne.jp/jukaraishi/20120616/1339832129 I was not able to catch e…

Gold and its place within the new system post-cabal, according to Cobra

Corey from the Golden-rule.org interviews Cobra, on the role of Gold in human history, and coming, and why it was valued so much; Highlights: - the financial system is imported from orion constellation, vast civilization of dark forces; th…

Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis20120618: The battle has been against an artificial intelligence and its human slaves

This is a repost from benjamin fulford weekly political analysis of 20120618The highlights:Empirical evidence proves the current financial crisis has been caused by an artificial intelligence.Well, reality has struck back and dealt a fatal…

2012年ビルダーバーグ会議で、「日本の資産」を吸い上げる「シナリオと 仕掛け」が決められた

板垣英憲(いたがきえいけん)情報局 〜マスコミに出ない政治経済の裏話〜 2012年6月10日 のリポストです。ハイライトです 日本は、約20年にわたり不況が続いている。だが、この不況は、欧米諸国の圧力を受けて、人為的に作られた不況であると言われている…


ベンジャミン・フルフォードの国内外金融ウラ事情レポート(≪2012/6/18号 VOl.179≫)のリポストです。ハイライトです。今回の欧米諸国の対応次第で、BRICS率いる140ヶ国の対欧米制裁がエスカレートするのか、それとも緩和されていくのかが明確に示されること…

Interview of a Zeta-Grey incarnated into a human body

Graham Dewyea interviews Zeta/Grey Judy Carroll. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/inlight_radio/2012/04/16/our-galactic-familyBelow are the highlights of the interview of what feels like a genuine testimony of how it feels like to be Zeta Grey…

The Light Agenda - Interview of Cobra (2012Portal) by Stephen Cook

Below are the highlights of the interview made by Stephen Cook of Cobra from the 2012Portal blogspot. Link of the interview: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/inlight_radio/2012/06/14/the-light-agenda Cobra uses a voice-modulating technology to…


ベンジャミン・フルフォードの国内外金融ウラ事情レポート(≪2012/6/11号 VOl.178≫)のリポストです。これまでにもブッシュ一族やロスチャイルド一族、ロックフェラー一族などが、交渉においてお金を無からつくり出すプロセスの独占だけは譲らない、と絶対的…

Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis20120611: Meetings set for June 15-20th in attempt to end financial crisis

This is a repost from benjamin fulford weekly political analysis of 20120611The highlights: There will be a series of both secret and public high-level meetings from June 15 to June 20th aimed at ending the financial crisis that threatens …

Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis20120604: Cabal begins peace negotiations, detailed discussions begin

This is a repost from benjamin fulford weekly political analysis of 20120604. - The cabal that illegally seized power in the Western world and attempted to set up a fascist world dictatorship known as the New World Order is trying to negot…

嵐 『ワイルド アット ハート』イルミナティの新作

Arashiの歌はいつもそうですけど意味がないようで、実は意味がありますよ。イルミナティの新作です。 全体の意味としては、あなたちっぽけの人間はどこに逃げようが、我々イルミナティは見えないところからあなたを監視してるので、無理だよ。 下記、抜粋 詞…


ベンジャミン・フルフォードの国内外金融ウラ事情レポート(2012/6/5号 VOl.177)のリポストです。ユーロには、発足当初から国々の実物経済を差し押さえるための罠だったと考えざるを得ない計画性が見て取れるのだ。 EUを計画した同じ人間たちによる日本を狙…


今回のベンジャミン・フルフォード出演番組はなんと2月中旬? 2月中に彼からのそういったお知らせなかったのに。6月中に初めてそのビデオに目を付けるなんて、どうも不思議な感じです。しかも、テレビ番組にそんな内容を明かすなんて、ずっと前からそれを…

Interview of Preston Nichols by Kerry Cassidy: Project Montauk, Time travel and parallel realities

Kerry Cassidy interviews Preston Nichols, one of the 3 main protagonists of Project Montauk; Preston is a scientist , engineer manipulating quantum physics/electro-magnetics interested in psychism and esoteric realms, and as he seems to be…

2012 Ascension DNA Activation, and harmonic universes

There are 2 parts; the speaker talks a little too fast but presents quite well the relationships between DNA, Harmonic universes and type of consciousness; Worth the watch; Second part:

The Philadelphia Experiment & The Montauk Project

Interview with whistleblower Preston Nichols & Duncan Cameron; Highly recommended to watch as it seems a genuine testimony on The Philadelphia Experiment & The Montauk Project; You will get a fresh new sense of such things as: ESP, the nat…

Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis20120528: Insiders predict a 5-day bank holiday in Europe before Euro ends, Renminbi may replace US dollar in September

This is a repost from benjamin fulford weekly political analysis of 20120528. 2 important highlights: the BRICS are offering to buy all US dollars cash, and replace them by a new currency backed by a basket of commodities. Before that move…

Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis20120521: Time for China to stop supporting fascist US regime

This is a repost from benjamin fulforld weekly geopolitical analysis of 20120521; Gives some ideas on what could have really happened behind the scenes at the last NATO summit; - We would like to start this week’s report with a special mes…


ベンジャミン・フルフォードの国内外金融ウラ事情レポート(2012/5/28号 VOl.176)のリポストです。 日本国家に背く最上級の売国奴・殺人犯罪者、中曽根康弘と小泉純一郎が未だに逮捕されていない。小泉は「こはん」という新橋の芸者を絞殺した。中曽根は不…

No more secret! Top Secret Extraterrestrial Welcoming Committee

Sioux Chief "Golden Light Eagle" is on a top secret ETs committee and refuses secrets, purely and simply. No more secret; No more deception; no more duality;repost from ascensionwithearth - -

Current Archons Situation Update

The reboot of the Grid on the 5/20-21 was very successful; But there's still a part of the grid that is under control of the archons; the physical counterpart of that part of the grid corresponds to the Jesuit society; An archonic grid ins…


このポストは2012portalのものですが、5.20が人類にとって重大なので再ポストすることにしました。 魂はホログラフィックなので、我々の感情や考えは世界に大きな影響を及ぼしています。このパワーは元々あったのですが、昔になくされ忘れてしまったのです。…

Reboot of the Grid

I repost this light from 2012portal, since I feel 5/20 is significant for Humanity; The mind is holographic and our emotions influence the outcome of the world; This is a call upon a collective meditation so that we can reboot the Grid, i.…


デキゴトが起きる3日前に、前もってTolecは5月20日に大きなデキゴトが起きると私たちに知らせてくれました。 これはandromedan councilや americankabukiとkauilapele's blogのそれぞれのウェブサイトで確認できます。 今年4月、Tolecは既にこのデキゴ…